Closet Organization: How To Organize the Perfect Closet

You have found the best apartment. Natural light is bellowing in through the windows, the kitchen cabinets are roomy, and you can't wait to soak in the garden tub. As you start unpacking your stuff into the closet, it becomes obvious you may have too many clothes. And shoes. Maybe your roomie won the better closet, your spouse actually has more clothes to choose from, or the space is more restricted than you thought. Here are a few ideas to make the most out of your closet space.
Hangers over Folded Piles!
Hangers are typically regarded as a necessary evil. Buying hangers is a chore and not thought of as exciting. However, the types of hangers you use in your closet can create or minimize space. Using velvet hangers will free up so much room in your closet and velvet hangers are easy on the wallet. Also, keep your hangers the same color. It's really easy to become distracted by clashing hangers.

Organize with a Purpose!
After you've switched hangers, organize your shirts by color as well as sleeve length. We have all been there - sorting through shirts to find your go-to striped skirt. Organizing your closet from short to long is easy, but make it fun! Don’t forget you’re the one who has to live with it every time.
Folding SOME of your Clothes is Still Okay!
Not every piece needs to be on a hanger. Your sweaters, shirts, and jeans can all be folded into drawers or onto shelving. Folding items will keep the closet bulk down. The divergence between hanging and folded pieces will ensure you see your closet more easily.
All Space is Used Space!
Utilize extra storage for the lower half of the closet. Keep the clothes you folded or accessories in the cubbies and keep shoes underneath. If there is still room, the top of the organizer you should definitely use. There is no reason to leave empty space in a closet - only untapped possibilities.
Parting Shot...
If there is space in a bedroom, a rolling rack is the quintessential +1 to any wardrobe. Plan your outfits daily or weekly, use your most coveted pieces as decor, or simply use the rack as additional storage space.